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School internet speeds are measured in bandwidth (kilobytes per second) per student. This approach measures the possible speed assuming simultaneous usage by every student in a school. The table below describes the recommended download speeds for various activities. Some activities like online assessments require only 64 KBPS per student. Other activities involving streaming online video take over 1,000 KBPS per student. In 2014, the FCC set the goal for school internet speeds at 100 KBPS per person. (The FCC speed recommendation is KBPS per student and staff. Throughout this post, internet speeds refers to KBPS per students except with regard to the FCC speed recommendation, where I construct another measure where speed is KBPS per student and staff.) The State Educational Technology Directors Association (SEDTA) recommends at least 250 KBPS per student for online learning models like flipped classrooms or blended learning. This recommendation seems conservative because many students in conventional online learning models are engaged in off-line learning activities (whereas it is likely that nearly all people in a school will use technologies like email or assessments at peak usage times). School districts with internet connections of at least 250 KBPS per student should be sufficient to support virtually all school administrative or instructional needs.

An Insignificant Man 3 movie online download


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