IKARUS 260.37 1.46
Ikarus 260 is a bus of the Hungarian company Ikarus, produced in 1972-2002 for urban and suburban routes. The development of the first prototypes began along with the Ikarus 250 in 1967. In 1972, the conveyor (mass) production of buses of the 200th series began. Over 30 years of production, more than 30 modifications of ikarus 260 have been made, created for different countries. Buses mainly differed in body color and interior layout. The bus body had a frameless truss, welded from tubular profiles, mostly with a closed cross section, which made it possible to assemble bodies of different lengths using the same technology and vary the number of doors for passengers and seats in the cabin, while completely unifying the main units.
IKARUS 260.37 1.46
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Ikarus 260 is a bus of the Hungarian company Ikarus, produced in1972-2002 for urban and suburban routes. The development of the firstprototypes began along with the Ikarus 250 in 1967. In 1972, theconveyor (mass) production of buses of the 200th series began. Over 30years of production, more than 30 modifications of ikarus 260 have beenmade, created for different countries. Buses mainly differed in bodycolor and interior layout. The bus body had a frameless truss, weldedfrom tubular profiles, mostly with a closed cross section, which made itpossible to assemble bodies of different lengths using the sametechnology and vary the number of doors for passengers and seats in thecabin, while completely unifying the main units. 041b061a72